I took the Lithgow LA101 with the Delta Stryker on it – shooting CCI Standard ammo. It’s a simple, but very good rig, that worked well for me, once I ironed out a few of the issues.
Lithgow Arms LA101
I thought I had actually done a proper review on this rifle – but it doesn’t seem I have – so will try to get something up about it in the future.
Anyhow – the Lithgow, if you are not aware, is an Australian made rear lug locking 22LR – that you can get in a left handed configuration. Like many of my gun purchasing decisions – it’s sometimes down to being able to even get them in a left handed version that influences my decision. However, in the case of the LA101 – it was/is also getting a pile of great reviews – so seemed like an easy choice when I was looking for a bolt-action 22LR to replace the 10/22 I was using.
The Lithgow is a great little shooter, no matter what you feed it – I was shooting CCI standard over the weekend – sure – it shoots Lapua Centre X better, but I can’t get a regular supply of that – so I can’t really see much point in feeding it anything else. Sure, you get the odd flyer – but we are still only talking about the odd round that sits 1cm or so outside of the group at 50 meters. Nothing to worry about – certainly not considering that you would pretty much double the price per round to feed it anything else. Yes. Maybe I would manage to get that final KYL target – but it’s not really worth the effort to me at the moment.
I confirmed the zero on it last week with the Delta Stryker – and – it was the first time I really got to take the scope out for a decent shoot.
That bolt though.
I managed to ‘reverse short-stroke’ the bolt a couple of times though. I have talked about this before. If you have downward pressure on the handle while closing the bolt, it sometimes twists (bolt drop) before the bolt goes all the way in. This means the bolt doesn’t fully close, and cant until you open the bolt back up. This also sometimes causes a miss feed. I never used to do this – but have several times when I have been out with the gun recently. It’s just a practice thing I think.
Or… just punch yourself in the face.
This was random. I managed to literally punch myself in the face a couple of times while cycling back the bolt. Pull the bolt back, hitting myself on my glasses. Did it twice. Not 100% what I was up too there. Really.

Delta Stryker 4.5×30-56
This scope impresses me more, the more I use it.
I was pondering ‘good design’ over the weekend – and I came to the conclusion that good design often means something just working and almost ‘disappearing’ while being used – meaning there is nothing that stands out or gets in the way while operating it – it simple works, and works well – and that is a good way to describe this scope. The glass is great – I look through it and don’t see or notice any issues. It might sound backwards, but that is often how I judge glass these days – can I see it? Can I see the chromatic abrasion, barrel distortion or any other optical issues? No? Fantastic!
The scope works like I want it to. Parallax is great, elevation turret is simple to use – though – I did manage to ‘knock’ the dial while quickly working with the rifle on the weekend – just really a case of needing to adjust, and then push the dial back down to lock it into place. It’s a light turn, basically. Fine, but something to be aware of.
Trust your reticle
One thing that I did notice – not a lot of the guys shooting were that comfortable, or aware, of holdover vrs. dialing. When there was a nice round number between the come-up over two targets – I explained that the other option they could use was to dial and then hold. Much faster.
For example – two targets – required come-up being 1.7 MIL and 6.7 MIL – so dial 1.7 and then just hold the 5 when transitioning targets.
Simple. Effective, quick. Much quicker and less prone to issue that guys having to break position and redial their scope after every shot.
However, like anything, people need to have faith in their gear – that’s why one of my favourite drills with guys is to get them to do a box test with dialling, then repeat the box test with reticle holds, then get them to do a combination of dialling and holding and holding and dialling. It cements the idea home that they work together, in conjunction and separately.
Tripods, all the tripods
There were quite a lot of tripods to be seen up and down the firing line over the weekend. I didn’t even unstrap mine – because I had two much better options already set up with the other lads! Brain had one of Blair’s (Section22) units and Glen had a RRS. Both had heavier legs than mine, and also of interest to me was that it was one of the RRS units with just the two sections. For opening it up on the clock, well, it’s one section less isn’t it! I would like to have a bit more of a play with one – as fully closed it might be a bit longer than needed for sitting – but – figure I could splay it out further and work one that way.
Both unit’s had ARCA clamps on them – and because I didn’t have a rail on the Lithgow – I simply dropped the Pint-Sized Gamechanger on top and shot off that. A couple of stages I also just used the legs like a tank-trap – worked as a hasty solution.

Thanks to one and all. Simon and crew – the volunteers who helped set up the shoot – the ladies who fed us, my squad and all the others I had a good chat to over the day. Looking forward to the next one. Might have to get some practice in next time though!
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