The Triggernometry Show – Troubleshooting

What happens when your gun simply doesn't want to shoot? The lads run through the most common issues and ways to fix them.

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One of the most common issues I see with guns that are not firing – is simply that something has come loose. If your gun was shooting fine, then suddenly isn’t, the very first thing I would suggest is to reach forward and check the suppressor is still on snuggly.

Especially with bush guns, a little knock or bump can be enough to ‘un-nip’ the can on the end of the barrel – and now you have something that is moving around the end of the barrel – causing a random shift of point of impact. Even on the range, after a couple of shots, some barrel thread/suppressor thread combinations, where each thread is at the opposite end of the tolerance allowance – you can have it slightly unwind and cause issues.

Some suppressors are actually designed to prevent this – with the ports angled so they can ‘self-tightens’ a little with each shot. While we have heard of people putting thread tape on the threads, its not something I can reccomend.

Kerry Adams
Kerry Adams
A constant learner with an inquisitive mind, Kerry created The Bloke as a way to share what he was learning from the community of experts he found himself surrounded by. Precision Shooter and GunSafe soon followed. Somewhere along the line, he picked up one or two things himself. But don't call him an expert.

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