A couple of reviews for our LRS-L1 Shooting Course

HomeContentAAR (Events & Courses)A couple of reviews for our LRS-L1 Shooting Course

A couple of reviews have come in for our recent Long Range Shooting – Level 1 Fundamentals Course.

Through conversations both online and at the range, it’s been great hearing how much the attendees learnt and how they are applying it in the regular shooting.

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I’ve been shooting IPSC now for a number of years, and of late, more and more 3Gun/Multigun. I was then bitten by the LRS/PRS bug early 2016… and as you all know, when that bug bites there is no fighting the urge.

After much humming and hawing (aka research) I decided to go get the popular Ruger Precision Rifle in 6.5 Creedmoor – it was the logical choice given that it offered the best bang for buck, i.e., it didn’t cost a kidney and a spleen, and it was capable of shooting out to 1000+yards/meters.

Like most other things, I didn’t want to buy something stupidly expensive only to have it sit in the safe most of the time. Also, I had to try shooting the discipline before knowing fully well if I was going to like it. If I decided I didn’t, I could easily flick my gear off to a number entering this growing sport.

Shooting very decent groups at a 100yds was easy with factory ammo. However, once I managed to find the correct powder:pill:primer:CBTO ratio then the rifle shot far better than I could.  With all the variables falling into place, and due to a number of conflicting YouTube videos telling one how to shoot long range, it was time to get my feet wet with actual hands-on training.

I was afraid that I would get into the habit of doing something wrong, and being new to all this meant I could start correctly with some guidance. I wanted a course that would give me the correct basics to  allow me to reach out and push the limits, a course that would be the cornerstone on which to build on.

Enter Kerry with the first Precision Shooter LRS-L1 course held at the Auckland Swiss Club, with ChrisN running the course. Theory and instruction was invaluable, and the ensuing afternoon of shooting and pointers was so superb that I felt the LRS bugs’ fangs imbed deeper into me.  I was, to quote Kerry, “stacking my shots” at 300 in no time, and was having a ball having met a few more like minded individuals.

If you are new to long range shooting, or wanting to get the basics of getting your shot at distance then it is well worth signing up for this course – I cannot speak highly enough of the course content, and more so of Kerry, Christian, and the team who made all this possible. I am looking forward to the LRS-L2 course!

Many thanks to you and Christian (and the butt boys, and any other little helper hiding about) for a very well organised, instructive, friendly and fun day on your first long range course.

I certainly had not realised my shooting technique had been influenced so much by previous NRA F-Class/FTR shooting, using light contact and allowing the rifle to slide/free-recoil.  I knew my posture was not too bad, but couldn’t figure out why I was not getting more out of the 6.5x47Lapua, wondering if the rifle did not like the load, powder or bullet choice.

However, you guys got me into really loading up the bipod, and using a firmer grip, it all came together, groups shrinking considerably and I could see my shots making holes into the previous patched hole. Really pleased, so again many thanks, and I very much look forward to joining you on the next one.

Finally, Geoff over at the GunRack has a review on his site as well – you can check it out over here – http://www.gunrack.co.nz/long-range-shooting-level-1-fundamentals/.

Great stuff guys! Looking forward to seeing you all at the next level!

Kerry Adams
Kerry Adamshttps://thebloke.co.nz
A constant learner with an inquisitive mind, Kerry created The Bloke as a way to share what he was learning from the community of experts he found himself surrounded by. Precision Shooter and GunSafe soon followed. Somewhere along the line, he picked up one or two things himself. But don't call him an expert.

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