First Thoughts – Sabre Tactical Ammo Wallet

Ammo. Kinda important to shoot a rifle. You spend all that time reloading your precision rifle ammo, so how about a decent way to carry it around?

HomeContentEquipmentFirst Thoughts - Sabre Tactical Ammo Wallet

I have gone through all manner of ammo carry methods – MTM Boxes, TACPac Cases, differing wallets of folders – so when one of the Sabre Tactical Ammo Wallets turned up with a clients rifle – I was keen to check it out.

I have met Carl (the owner) a couple of times at shooting competitions now, and he has become an active part of the community (probably more than me at this point!) – with a background in military shooter work (combat shooting team and sniper instructor) he is obviously well qualified to be putting out shooter equipment.

The ammo wallet is a solidly built, well thought out method for carrying either 40 rounds of short action ammo or 20 rounds of long action ammo (depending on the wallet you get). The one that turned up had 6.5 Creedmoor in it – but it’s clear it’s going to fit the vast majority of cartridges.

It is what I would call semi-rigid – it’s going to hold its shape well, but still soft-touch enough that it’s not going to clank around in your bag. Realistically, for a competition – you are going to be carrying two, if not potentially three of these in a pack – so it could get a little bulky – but being most of us are carrying around a backpack, not too much of an issue.

A simple magnetic clasp holds the folder shut when closed, which, in my brief play with the wallet, worked well.

The one thing I personally would change, is the insert – to me, having my reloading information in the field is fairly pointless – when I am on the line, the charge weight or the amount of times I have reloaded the brass is useless to me.

So. Here is my version! Print it out, trim to lines and I personally would then laminate it to serve double duty as an insert of general data/reference card.

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Kerry Adams
Kerry Adams
A constant learner with an inquisitive mind, Kerry created The Bloke as a way to share what he was learning from the community of experts he found himself surrounded by. Precision Shooter and GunSafe soon followed. Somewhere along the line, he picked up one or two things himself. But don't call him an expert.

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