Welcome to The Triggernometry Show – your weekly update on all things Practical and Precision Shooting in New Zealand. My name is Kerry Adams, and thanks for tuning in!
- The LabRadar – grab it from The Gearlocker –
- A new article is up on the site – my thoughts on spending a couple of days at Big Boys Toys – talking to people about firearm ownership!
- Our photo comp is still going on – let’s get a hashtag going for NZ sport shooting – pop over to our Instagram – – tag your shooting photos with #shooternz and be in to win!
- Philip Alpers has likened our gun laws to the US.
- Nope. Don’t see a pistol on my hip.
- Nor do I see gun ownership written into the founding documents of our country.
- The gun laws and gun culture are so different between our two countries – as are the results. I know this won’t make me popular with many gun owners here in NZ – but I do consider America to be broken.
- A vast difference is this – in NZ, it’s the gun owner that is registered, not the firearm. The vetting process is much more in depth with background checks, personal interviews of both the individual and associates. If the suggestion might be made that the vetting process could be improved, then sure – but that the process is already there – much like Nicol McKees comments on Radio NZ this morning – the laws are in place, the police and justice system just needs to enforce them better.
- While I am on that subject – please folks, can we be a little more careful with our words -“Stomped on by a steel cap boot” is not how we should be talking about justice. I don’t want anyone physically harmed. However, I do, totally agree that we need stronger sentences to get the message across the gun crime is not acceptable in this country. But, words matter, and so does the perception of people listening to comments like that.
- Bushnell – Elite Tactical XRS II – new flagship ‘long range’ scope – can see they taken cues and aiming for the PRS style market – with a zero stop and quick throw level included in the package – good looking scope available in several colours – including what I now have to call ‘Sig Grey’ – will be interested to check them out when they hit NZ.
- Tactical Solutions have more Breakthrough Clean in – including a very cool kit that also features the 5.11 Tactical Range Bag – same bag I have been using for a couple of years now!
- Press releases – product releases – to please!
- Something we missed this week that you were excited to see come out? Let us know in the comments below!
- The police are seeking feedback on a new document outlining requirements for firearms security – basically, it looks like in 10 years, they are going to want all firearms in a steel safe – fine by me – you can read the full draft through the link –
- If you know me, you will also know I am somewhat addicted to coffee – so a recent show of ‘Taking Stock’ – which is essentially the McMillan Podcast caught my attention – featuring Black Rifle Coffee Founder and CEO Evan Hafer – it’s a great background to the company. The challenge of course, being that most coffee doesn’t like high altitude flights, and certainly isn’t going to be the best after a month or so heading over by ship – so will have to wait until I get to the US again to try out their coffee!
- The NZ IPSC Pistol Champs were recently held, and it’s been good to see heaps of individuals putting out photos and video – I am expecting/hoping/praying that there is going to be some kind of official roundup done for the event that we can all check out. In the meantime – Ramel Maligro – who took out took out 1st Overall Open Champion & 1st GrandMaster – has put up an awesome video – check it out on the site –
- What else is happening out there? Flick me an email!
- Breakthrough Clean – Available in NZ from Tactical Solutions –
- Gillice Practical Rifle Events –
- Tarata Medium Range – 25th November –
- Hihitahi Challenge – 27th of January –
- 2018 Vortex Mountain Challenge – March 16th –
- Let us know if you have an event coming up! Flick a message to –
Thanks for checking out this update – if you enjoyed it – please – like and share – if you are on the site – subscribe!
The bigger this gets the more we can share and promote the shooting sports in NZ. But we need your help!
The best thing you can do is tell anyone that might be interested in the show about it – that way, we can get the info out to more people, get more people aware of all the events and competitions going on, and hopefully, ultimately, get more people into shooting, in whatever disciple tickles their fancy.