Short Action Precision’s Rich Chronister

HomeContentThe Triggernometry ShowShort Action Precision's Rich Chronister

Rich from Short Action Precision joined me for a chat about the company, the Precision Rifle Series and more.

Great talk, a bit of insight about the history of the company, the development of the products, including the Two-Rounder and the Rear Bags and an overview of what the PRS Series is, and how it works. Great watch. Enjoy!

On shooter mindset….

On safety…

Kerry Adams
Kerry Adams
A constant learner with an inquisitive mind, Kerry created The Bloke as a way to share what he was learning from the community of experts he found himself surrounded by. Precision Shooter and GunSafe soon followed. Somewhere along the line, he picked up one or two things himself. But don't call him an expert.

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Precision Shooter.

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