This is a good little mod, because not only does it customise your rifle a little, it’s also a great opportunity to learn a little more about the function of your rifle – in particular – how to disassemble and clean the bolt.
The guys from Greystone Guns were awesome enough to send up a replacement Tikka Bolt Knob as well as a couple of options on handles.
Fitting, once you understand how – is very easy – I dare say pulling a Tikka Bolt to bits is quicker and easier than a Remington – and even then, you can just switch out the bolt handle like this on a Remington anyhow.
What Tikka Bolt handle you eventually settle on is really just a matter of personal preference – I tend to like a large, long and slender bolt – as it seems to work a bit better with the way I like to cycle the bolt.
Check out the video to both see how to pull the Tikka bolt handle to bits, and a few tips on fitting and cleaning out the bolt.
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