Hello from here in metric land. Weaponised Math (with an s, not z).

Here is a simple system to develop some try data for your rifle at any distance. No Apps, no ballistic calculator required. Oh. And it's in meters! Heard of Weaponized math but wanting a metric version?

HomeContentBallisticsHello from here in metric land. Weaponised Math (with an s, not...

By now, you have likely heard of weaponized math. Marc Taylor wrote this article outlining a system he formalised that gives a simple way of developing some try data for any rifle:


Essentially, it’s a constant that you can apply to your required drop in MIL or MOA to give you a try on the next target out. No ballistic calculator required.

However. They spell things funny in the states, and they use weird number systems that went out of favour with most of the world when we kinda renounced British Imperialism, which, if you think about it, makes it even odder that the US still uses it.

Anyhow, regardless, I don’t think in Yards, or Inches, apart from when I have too because some shooters still persist in doing so. We all moved from MOA to MIL. How about embracing the base 10 fully!

Mark (and Franks) system formalised a really fantastic and simple method of getting some data to go shoot with, but, I wasn’t going to switch over to yards for it, so I created my own version with meters instead. You can find the chart at the bottom of the post.

I have tested it, and it really does work.

Under 1000k, within reason, most cartridges actually shoot quite similarly. The system works because you are essentially refining/correcting is as you go out. You have to step out, test the new solution, refine, step out again.

I keep my chart in the data book. So even if, for some weird reason, my APPs all fail me, my Kestrel dies and my rules of thumb dont work, I have a chart that will get me data for any rifle that comes out onto the range.

So, two versions, MILS and MOA in Meters. Simple.

Easy to use – start on the ‘try’ column at 300m – the cartridges on the left are just a quide. Shoot. Adjust to centre. Get a good, solid indication of how much actual dial you need. Move right a column, look for your actual. That gives you a new try to the right of that. Rinse and repeat.

Kerry Adams
Kerry Adamshttps://thebloke.co.nz
A constant learner with an inquisitive mind, Kerry created The Bloke as a way to share what he was learning from the community of experts he found himself surrounded by. Precision Shooter and GunSafe soon followed. Somewhere along the line, he picked up one or two things himself. But don't call him an expert.

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